Jilin Zhenpin Yushen Technology Co., Ltd

Pilose antler tablet

发布日期:2020-06-02 16:43:52     浏览次数:17

Pilose antler tablet

Specification: Grade 1 product

Packaging: Cartons

Number / weight: 30g

Origin: Ji'an

The middle section of sika deer antler raised in Ji'an area is selected and refined. Each box of antler is sweet, slightly salty and warm. It has the functions of Tonifying the kidney, invigorating the Yang, benefiting the blood essence and strengthening the muscles and bones. Deer antler can be used to regulate fatigue and weakness, impotence and gliding, lumbago and backache, palpitation and dizziness, women's infertility due to uterine cold, and children's growth retardation caused by kidney yang deficiency.