Jilin Zhenpin Yushen Technology Co., Ltd

Milk Thistle Extract

发布日期:2020-06-02 20:14:52     浏览次数:18

Milk Thistle Extract

Specification: 5% - 80%

Packing: 25kg / cardboard barrel

Main ingredients: Silymarin

Detection method: UV

Silymarin, also known as milk thistle and artichoke, is a plant of silymarin in Compositae, native to southern Europe and North Africa. It has been used in the treatment of hepatobiliary diseases for more than 2000 years. The silymarin extracted from the fruit of silymarin is a complex of several flavonoids, which are collectively called silymarin. Its main components are silymarin, isosilymarin, silymarin and silymarin. Among them, silibinin has the strongest activity, and the characteristics of silibinin largely depend on the content of silibinin.